vrijdag 24 september 2010

Welcome to my first blog!

This week I attended the first lecture in a course with a long name: “pedagogies for flexible learning supported by technology”. On this blog, I will share my thoughts and idea’s related to this course! Since I was a child I have always been interested in technology and I hope to learn more about how technology can support learning during the next couple of weeks. Related to fast technology developments, flexible learning seems to be an interesting upcoming trend.

Another thing that interested me about thins course is the foreign contribution of the international students attending this course. They really have different perspectives and I like that. A few weeks back for example, we were thinking about factors that influenced the curriculum. While I was thinking about stuff like grants, these foreign students told me that we should also consider the weather because in their country it is so hot that during daytime, school is out! They have to study in the middle of the night.

This is the very first time I am writing on a blog, so let’s see how that works out! Maybe I will like it so much that I will keep ‘blogging’ after this course is finishedJ. I hope you like to read my posts and you want to share your ideas with me too! Every reaction is very welcome!

1 opmerking:

  1. Hi Maaike,
    Thanks for making your weblog, I am looking forward to exchanging ideas with you!
